Media Release: BRSD Continued Student Success
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BRSD Continued Student Success
Battle River School Division (BRSD) recently welcomed 10 students from Japan as well as a group of students from Brazil to its schools. In the current school year, BRSD’s International Student Program accommodated students from Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Thailand and Turkey. Homestay families are essential to the success of the program, and BRSD is grateful to its host families for making it possible to welcome international students. These students bring curiosity, cultural learning opportunities, and lifelong friendships to BRSD schools and students.
BRSD students experience many diverse credit opportunities. BRSD has 186 students enrolled in Work Experience across the division. This celebration provides our students the opportunity to gain experience in various fields. BRSD extends a huge thank you to all businesses that support BRSD students. Another success is the Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) which supports students spending part of their time in school while working in industry as registered apprentices in one of the trades. BRSD currently has 35 RAP students.
Additionally, five BRSD students have received dual credits in various courses including horticulture and veterinary studies, and this year, BRSD partnered with Olds College for this opportunity. A dual credit course is an opportunity for our students to gain high school credits while simultaneously obtaining post-secondary credits. BRSD is grateful to receive additional grant funding from Alberta Education to be able to offer these dual credit courses to our students. The Green Certificate Program is another opportunity which provides students with access to the first level of agricultural apprenticeship; BRSD has 14 students registered in this program.
BRSD is also excited to share that registration is now open for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students. Please visit our website at for information and to register.
BRSD also offers K-12 French Immersion and Late French Immersion programming and will be providing further updates about these student opportunities in upcoming communications. Visit our website to watch a video created by École Sifton students.
BRSD’s 2024-25 school calendar was approved at the Board meeting on January 25 and is available on the website. The calendar incorporates trends in previous and current feedback and has students starting school after the September long weekend in 2024-25. BRSD has eliminated the early dismissals and combined its professional learning, collaboration time for staff, and staff meeting days into full days off for students approximately once per month. BRSD staff and students will have a week break in November and a spring break in March.
BRSD organizes three learning days as part of its Professional Learning Series. The first session occurred in November and BRSD staff will gather again on February 26. During this second session, all staff will participate in AI in Education and Equity sessions during the morning, then will attend afternoon breakout sessions. BRSD will host the last 2023-24 learning day on April 15. BRSD will also host professional learning days during the last week of August to gear up for its 2024-25 school start-up.
BRSD honours professionalism and leadership to provide quality student mentorship in a respectful learning environment. It is important to remember that as education is continually affected by changes in policy, and while the provincial government reviews regulations around Parental Consent and Transgender Sports in Alberta schools, BRSD aims to foster and maintain its respectful, inclusive space, providing a place for all students to feel safe.
BRSD wants to share a safety reminder and important information about the dangers of carbon monoxide.
- Alberta Health: Carbon monoxide poisoning
- Health Canada: Carbon monoxide information, symptoms, and prevention
of carbon monoxide poisoning
It is crucial that we talk to our children about the serious consequences of carbon monoxide poisoning so they understand how carbon monoxide can be pulled into an idling vehicle. We want to ensure our children are aware of what may happen with idling vehicles especially in the cold weather.
On March 21, 2024, BRSD’s Division Office will be relocated to 4302 38 Street in Camrose. This site has been under renovations, and the transition marks a strategic decision aimed at enhancing operational efficiency and providing opportunities to host BRSD professional learning events and meetings.