Media Release: BRSD Annual Education Results Report for 2022-23
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BRSD Annual Education Results Report for 2022-23
Battle River School Division (BRSD) Board of Trustees accepted the 2022-23 Annual Education Results Report (AERR) as presented at its monthly meeting on November 28, 2023, for submission to Alberta Education. This submission is part of the Alberta government’s Assurance Framework, a process instituted for schools and school authorities to consistently assess progress and demonstrate success.
BRSD conducts a comprehensive, annual review of its performance and results, assessing its progress toward objectives outlined by Alberta Education, as well as the division's Three-Year Education Plan. This review entails the examination and reporting of both provincial and local measures, accompanied by the identification of strategies, while aligning with its vision: Every Student, Every Day, a Success.
For the 2022-23 school year, BRSD saw great success in its equity work. Students, staff and community members experienced many authentic Indigenous learning experiences. Much work has and will continue to be done to integrate knowledge and support with diverse cultures and groups throughout BRSD. BRSD strengthened awareness and support for English as an Additional Language learners, and built a larger capacity with gender awareness, inclusion and wellness.
BRSD building improvements are highlighted in the AERR. A recent renovation was completed in one of its rural schools to convert an underutilized science classroom into a multi-use space that includes a four station foods lab, allowing the school to offer Foods as a course option. This eliminated the need to send students to another school for Home Economics, reducing transportation expenses and time outside the classroom, while supporting both hot lunch and breakfast programs.
As another building improvement, water flow and temperature monitoring devices were installed in all BRSD schools and division buildings. These devices detect and send notifications of abnormal water usage or leaks to Facilities staff. This allows for quicker response to a water or temperature event, reducing the possibility of placing a learning space or a support building in an inoperable state.
BRSD celebrates success in many other assurance areas as well:
- BRSD’s five-year graduation rates improved, while scoring at three per cent above its previous three-year average, additionally sitting above the provincial average.
- BRSD’s Safe and Caring and Work Preparation measures demonstrated a high rate of achievement, with 87 per cent of parents and 80 per cent of our students feeling that our schools are safe and caring.
- BRSD’s Program of Studies measure demonstrated a high rate of achievement, also showing a high rate of improvement.
- BRSD’s First Nations, Métis and Inuit students outperform in comparison to the provincial averages regarding eligibility of Rutherford Scholarship, the high school dropout rate, and the three-year completion rate.
BRSD Board of Trustees is pleased about these findings that display the level of care and dedication throughout the division.
“Our Board is immensely proud of our staff's unwavering dedication and tireless efforts to support each and every one of our students," said Patrick McFeely, Board Chair.
BRSD school leadership teams play a pivotal role in providing instructional leadership for the implementation of literacy and numeracy strategies and skills, which is a priority within our Three-Year Education Plan. Diligence of staff members that set goals based on student data, and then track progress toward achieving these goals, has been instrumental. This collaborative effort has allowed BRSD to meet and improve on its students' successes.
The Annual Education Results Report is available on our website.