Media Release: BRSD Celebrates Success with a Thriving Start to the School Year
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BRSD Celebrates Success with a Thriving Start to the School Year
BRSD is thrilled to announce that the start of the 2023-24 academic year has been an extraordinary success. With an increase in student enrollment and flourishing extracurricular activities for positive student learning, we are set for yet another year of excellence in education.
BRSD student bus ridership has significantly increased. With over 700 additional school bus riders than last year, our transportation team worked diligently to offer this convenience to our families while rolling into the new school year.
To celebrate the return of students and staff, our schools have hosted a series of welcoming events. These gatherings included welcome back open houses, delicious pancake breakfasts, and engaging meet the staff events. These activities strengthened partnerships within our school communities, creating a sense of belonging.
Rhae-Ann Holoien, superintendent of schools, is excited for the academic year ahead.
"The positive energy and enthusiasm displayed by our students, staff, and community members during this school startup have been truly inspiring,” she expressed with appreciation. “We are dedicated to building on this momentum, ensuring that every student in our division has the opportunity to succeed.”
Diverse opportunities and activities throughout the month have proven to be engaging with an outpouring of positive energy. We are excited to share some of September’s highlights.
Students have been eagerly participating in sports such as volleyball, golf, and cross-country running. BRSD hosted six cross-country runs in the 2023 Battle River XC Race Series for our students.
BRSD’s annual Spartan Race was held on September 28 in New Norway, and hundreds of students from kindergarten to grade 12 across the division—and province—participated. Aiming to make this race more inclusive and give opportunities to all, the Spartan Race added a para/unified race to kick off the day! This race exemplifies inclusivity and diversity among other opportunities provided for our students.
These activities not only promote physical fitness, but foster teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship among our students. BRSD gymnasiums boast an abundance of student successes, and this can make one certain that this year holds much promise for our teams.
September 25 was a staff learning day across BRSD. Our staff participated in various learning sessions and activities. Our bus drivers gathered at Norsemen Inn to connect and engage with staff while learning.
Aligning with our division priority of High Quality Teaching and Optimum Learning, we recognize that staff members work to create optimum learning environments. These professional staff learning days are pivotal, ensuring that our educators remain equipped with the latest pedagogical strategies and knowledge. This empowers leaders and staff to provide the highest quality of education and support for our students.
Learning—both in and out of our classrooms—about National Day for Truth and Reconciliation continues to evolve. Recognizing the significance of this day in Canada's history, BRSD is dedicated to ensuring that the legacy of Indigenous peoples and their experiences are acknowledged, respected, and integrated into our curriculum.
We are proud of annual BRSD school participation in the Terry Fox Run, honoring the resilient spirit of this Canadian hero while instilling valuable lessons of resilience, compassion, and community engagement in our students. This serves as a reminder of our collective ability to make a difference in the fight against cancer, and the power we can exercise to mitigate other societal challenges when we work together.
Our schools are dedicated to raising awareness and funds for cancer research, emphasizing that even small steps can lead to significant change. Our participation not only fosters unity and purpose among our students, but also reaffirms our commitment to nurturing them as responsible and compassionate global citizens.
BRSD would like to thank all parents, guardians, students, staff, and community members for their continued support and involvement in our educational mission. Together, we look forward to a year filled with growth, learning, and achievement.