Critical 2
BRSD’s “Critical 2"
Schools are busy places, with lots of activities and projects going on.
But underneath all that activity, you'll find a common purpose. Extensive consultation of all stakeholders has been conducted, over a period of years. This resulted in a vision, mission and beliefs that govern decision-making. Subsequent to that, goals were created that reflect the voices we hear.
The Critical 2 represents the main division-wide priorities that will propel our growth and ultimately the achievement of our goals.
Our role is to find ways to provide students with the best educational opportunities that we can. Every action we take fits within the framework of the critical 2, which are:
- High Quality Teaching
- Optimum student Learning

We asked and you answered
Thank you for your responses to our Spring 2023 surveys on Literacy and Numeracy. Here's a summary of what will happen next year, as a result of your input: We asked and you answered!